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Racial Modifiers

Night Sight | Thermographic Vision | Hard to Hit | Hardy | Small | Large | Huge | Troll Dermal Armor | Long Legs | Arcane Resistance | Glamour | Sunlight Allergy | Keen Eared | Nocturnal | Fangs | Big Eater | Horns | +2 Head Armor | +1 Melee Damage/Die | Slow | Fast Learner | Tech Savvy | Hyper-Aware |

Ability Name Use Description
Night Sight Global Darkness modifiers are halved. This is lost if the eyes are replaced.
Thermographic Vision Global The character can see in the thermographic spectrum. This is lost if the eyes are replaced. This completely cancels darkness modifiers against anything that is noticeably different in temperature from its environment. Cancels darkness modifiers and adds 1 free success to Awareness tests involving heat under cool or night conditions. Note this ability allows the character to view the normal and thermographic spectrums at the same time.
Hard to Hit Global Your first Dodge attempt each turn cost 1/2 the AP cost
Hardy Global The character receives +4 to any checks resisting toxins or disease. He also recovers from fatigue twice as fast (including Mana and Drain Pool). If combined with Strong Constitution, the bonuses become +6 and 2/3 faster.
Small Global +1A to Stealth: Shadow and Stealth: Sneak checks (This is listed under bonuses on the skill); -1 to Movement rates.
Large Global -1A to Stealth: Shadow and Stealth: Sneak checks (This is listed under bonuses on the skill); +1d6 to Spur damage
Huge Global -2A to Stealth: Shadow and Stealth: Sneak checks (This is listed under bonuses on the skill); +1d6 to Spur damage
Troll Dermal Armor Global +1 Armor to all areas
Long Legs Global +1 to Movement rates
Arcane Resistance Global When directly struck by a spell (INCLUDING POSITIVE ONES) the character has a 2/6 chance of not being affected by it. Only the character is unaffected, the spell is not canceled. Environmental effects created by the spell will affect the character normally so fireballs should still be respected. No character with this feat can be a physical adept.
Glamour Global The character can use illusion magic to change his personal appearance. His height cannot be affected but sex, appearance, and voice are easily changed. Treat this as a disguise requiring a 4 Awareness to penetrate. Illusions of specific people/creatures may be learned for 50 XP apiece.
Sunlight Allergy Global The character is mildly burned by exposure to sunlight. He has trouble seeing (-2 dice to all actions) and is generally very uncomfortable. 5 minutes direct exposure causes a 3rd degree burn (-2 dice to all physical actions), 15 minutes a 2nd degree burn (-4dice to all physical actions).
Keen Eared Global The character is more perceptive aurally. Treat sounds as one category louder when determining if the character can hear them. Audio attacks are 20% more effective against the character. If combined with Hearing Enhancement the effects are cumulative. In this case the character's hearing is so strong that moderately loud noises have a 2/6 chance of causing 1 mortal stun damage unless the character also has a Selective Sound Filter. He receives a +1 Mod to audio Awareness.
Nocturnal Global The character typically sleeps during the day and is awake at night. Though this behaviour is normal, individuals can change it using a habit. During daylight hours add 8 hours to the amount of time the character has been awake for fatigue purposes.
Fangs Global The character's teeth are sharp and serrated which adds +2 to his bite damage dice that penetrate. The effect is very frightening which provides a +1 bonus to Interaction: Intimidate and Interrogate checks and -1 penalty to all other Interaction checks.
Big Eater Global The character eats 3x the human average. Increase his lifestyle cost by 10%.
Horns Global The character has horns projecting from his skull. When making a bull rush his damage is increased by +2 dice.
+2 Head Armor Global The character has a VERY hard head. He has (2) natural dermal armor in location #1. Note this is cumulative with the Cyberwear and helmets.
+1 Melee Damage/Die Global The character's melee attacks do +1 damage per die that penetrates armor.
Slow Global This character has very short legs or moves unusually slowly. Subtract 1 from his movement rate.
Fast Learner Global The character receives +5% to his XP awards
Tech Savvy Global The character receives +5% to his Tech awards
Hyper-Aware Global The character receives +1 to all Awareness checks


Copyright 2024 James Watson